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Monday, November 9, 2009

Embroidery Machine

So I finally got an embroidery machine! I've been wanting one for a long time! It is amazing what it can do! It was a little frustrating at first trying to figure it all out and I ruined a onesie or two trying to figure out which stabilizer to use and such...but...I think I've got it down =) Here are a few pics of what I have done so far =)

Scott wanted me to do a state shirt for Ethan =)
Practicing on Onesies and hand towels


Applique on a towel


Mandy Rowland Quiram said...

Hannah, SO cute!!
Love seeing all that you're creating...and hearing how you love being a mom!!

Anonymous said...

How cool!! I am amazed....who would have thought that all those afternoons spent in arts & crafts would pay off like this :)